Happy New Year

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The definition of a sidebar is a short bit of information alongside a longer narrative in a publication or online. The Greene Door is not only a sidebar, but a side job, and was created when I felt I had a little extra time on my side. What started out as a fun outlet to celebrate and share a healthy and happy lifestyle, became a happy and healthy way to rejuvenate my day job, which I hold in very high esteem and continue to enjoy nineteen years later. It never occurred to me that taking on an online venture would be that big of a deal, but more was revealed during the first few weeks when I began to question why on earth I wanted to be responsible for another daily duty. I learned quickly that the whole process of creating, writing, designing, editing, photographing and social media-ing a daily online magazine, is indeed extremely intense (sort of like the childlike and habitual run on sentences in many a post.)

However, The Greene Door has proven to be very motivational and incredibly inspirational – I write what I like and when I like what I write, it absolutely feels necessary to share. In a short amount of time, this tiny speck of internet fodder (ie. sharing) has categorically helped me to achieve another very essential and personal goal, to continue to strive for perfection.

Last year, my New Years resolution was to start an online magazine. And although the term “bucket list” has become vapid, The Greene Door was on it, and was exactly the modern blueprint I conceived for a brand new year. 2015 was a fantastical journey, shaped to be far more provocative and meaningful with the help of a small idea, a little .com in a big .com playing field.

Thank you for taking a peek inside The Greene Door.

Happy New Year!
C. Greene